

Eggtimer Proton Assembly Guide Board Rev. C14 (2023 and later)

Eggtimer Proton Assembly Guide Board Rev A9 (2022 and earlier) 

Eggtimer Proton User’s Guide Rev. 2.01C

Eggtimer Proton C14 Gerber Paste Files

Eggtimer Proton A9 Gerber Paste Files

Note:   The Paste files include the pre-mounted components, you will have to cut around those pads with an X-Acto knife before you use them.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  DO NOT try to perform a firmware update with any loads attached to the deployment outputs!   Although the chance of them firing during an update is virtually zero, it’s very bad safety practice to have any pyrotechnic loads connected to an altimeter when the rocket is not being prepped for flight.

Eggtimer Proton Firmware Rev. 2.01C

Note:   The 2.01C firmware works with all versions of the Proton hardware.

Eggtimer Proton Release Notes Rev. 2.01C